Excursions in and around Großweikersdorf
Whether a bike tour or a visit to a wine tavern, here you can experience the diversity of the Weinviertel. Taste wines from the surrounding winemakers, cycle through the vineyards or spend a few relaxing hours at a wine tavern.
- www.weinviertel.at
- www.grossweikersdorf.gv.at
- www.weinstrasse.co.at
- www.tullnerdonauraum.com
- www.donau.com
- www.waldviertel.at
- www.donau.com/de/wagram/essen-trinken/reich-gedeckte-tische/restaurants-finden/
- www.donau.com/de/wagram/essen-trinken/wein-geniessen-erleben/heurige-winzer-finden/
- www.donau.com/de/donau-niederoesterreich/
- www.wien.info